Sunday, February 17, 2013

Thanks Ani and Fiza-Mini Pavlova

Tak sangka.....bertemu kawan sekolah dialam maya...
Padahal dulu, masa baru lepas abis belajar... Anilah antara kawan kawan yang banyak membantu, memperkenalkan dan memberi saya peluang untuk bekerja di bidang akaun......

Kali nie memberi peluang berniaga pula...
Thanks Ani, perkenalkan Fiza for the order, kalau ok dgn citarasa , sudi sudi lah order lagi......
kalau ada yang tak kena.. silalah tegur..saya cuba perbaiki...

Sorry , tak dapat snap gambar...alah...+- sama je dgn yang lain.......jgn mare....

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Lunch theme: Red & Black

 Organised by PMO- it is a great simple party.

BA team also want to contribute , thanks to  Kohila for ordering the little pavlova.
 To match the Red & Black theme, I put Strawberry and Pomegranates ( Buah delima merah), to complement the colours, I maintain the Kiwi slice….

Lesson learned from customers comment whose saying that the amount of cream is not enough …so I experimenting using Ready to whip cream.
 Alhamdulillah….the texture is very nice,it is white, fluffy, and  look more presentable, which the cream is not melting due to room temperature. It can stand for hours. Eventhougt it taste little bit sweet.

Therefore girls and guys, from now on…sorry to say that,,, I’ ll switch to Ready to whip cream for my mini pavlova….
Price still maintain…don’t worry….
Here I share the pavlova picture  and other dishes courtesy of Ros and Pn Zalani. Gambaro rang, tak payah le yer….malu…