Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Kau pergi ...........keje tempat lain......

Kau Pergi.....
Sayu terpisah
hikayat indah kini hanya tinggal sejarah
berhembus angin rindu
begitu nyamannya terhidu wangian kasihmu

hujan lebat mencurah kini
bagaikan tiada henti
kaulah laguku kau irama terindah
tak lagi kudengari

kau pergi.. pergi..
sepi tanpa kata
terdiam dan kaku tak daya kau kulupa
apa pun kata mereka
biarkan kenangan berbunga di ranting usia

hujan lebat mencurah kini
bagaikan tiada henti
kaulah laguku kau irama terindah
tak lagi kudengari

kau pergi.. pergi..

hujan lebat mencurah kini
bagaikan tiada henti
kaulah laguku kau irama terindah
tak lagi kudengari

kau pergi.. pergi..
kau pergi.. pergi..
kau pergi.. pergi..

Monday, March 25, 2013


Tak perlu iri pada orang lain. Lihat apa yang kamu miliki sekarang, pikirkan apa yang telah dilakukan tuk dapatkannya. Bersyukurlah.
Pertolongan Tuhan mungkin tidak datang terlalu cepat, tidak juga terlambat. Pertolongan Tuhan selalu datang di saat yang tepat.
Jangan kamu lupa, jangan kamu lengah atas berkat rahmat Allah maha kuasa.
Kegagalan adalah cara Tuhan mengajarkan kamu tentang pantang menyerah, kesabaran, kerja keras dan percaya diri.
Bahagia bukan berarti segalanya sempurna. Bahagia adalah ketika kamu memutuskan tuk melihat segala sesuatu secara sempurna.
Jangan pernah mengeluh atas kekuranganmu, karena kekurangan mengingatkanmu untuk terus mencari kekuatan yang ada dalam dirimu.

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Wednesday, March 13, 2013

I love you , Pavlova vs Pomegranate

Again ...this is a backdated post...
I've been so busy these 2 weeks, handling the pavlova orders and special request...
Thank you so much to Ani, Dayang, Fiza, Kak Yati, for the Mini Pavlova repeat orders...

So glad that you all like it ....

Thanks Kak Ratna for the large Orders..yes I did replace the Pomegranate with grapes as per request.

For other who prefers to have other than strwberry, kiwi , grapes or Pomegranate , yes you may suggest other fruits , but will be subject to availability and price. I even have  customers who request for canned peach.

Yes, Pomegranate has a delightful tang taste to complement the sweetness of the pavlova, but the seed are really irritating. when you feel that you have to spit it out .

Pomegranate seeds (well, technically arils or flesh-covered seeds) taste great on their own. Just peel and eat!

A. According to the Pomegranate Council, when eating a pomegranate, you should 'roll out the arils (juice sacs)', discard everything else, and then 'eat the arils whole, seeds and all.' They go on to say that it is a 'personal choice' as to whether or not you eat the seeds. However, keep in mind that 'most of the fiber that you get from eating pomegranates comes from that little seed.' In addition to having some fiber, pomegranates are a good source of Vitamin C and potassium. Keep in mind that most of the calories, about 105 calories for a medium pomegranate, come from sugar.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Welcome to the world Muhammad Eimaan Abqari bin Hasrun

This is a backdated post. Suppose to be posted on 22nd February 2013, but i am so busy with the workload, orders and deliveries..

 Muhammad Eimaan Abqari bin Hasrun is my new nephew.. comel......gambar I upload later na..

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Mini Pavlova.... lagi..

Thanks Kak Sapinah and Siti Nadia for the order....hope you all like the new recipe :) cream and new fruits...last time buahan anggur, this time buah delima merah.......wallah..Sorry no picture..belum dapat new gadget huhuhuh.....